This website and related communication are not monitored regularly and are not intended for obtaining emergency or urgent assistance. Your safety and the best fit for your care are of primary importance.
If you are currently or persistently having thoughts of suicide, thoughts of self-harm, or thoughts to harm someone else, then please go to your nearest hospital/medical care center or local police/law enforcement agency for immediate safety and assistance. Remote telehealth assistance is not appropriate for your care.
If you live in the United States, you can call 911. For additional support you can call or text the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
If you experience frequent or persistent suicidal ideation, self-harming behaviors, or psychotic symptoms, then remote telehealth care is not the recommended option for your care. Instead, finding a mental health provider in your local community who can assist you with face to face or office visits is highly recommended.
If you do not struggle with any of the above circumstances, and you would like to request an appointment, then please select the button below. You will be taken securely to my service options and booking page.