Perhaps your group or organization is considering ways to more effectively address and efficiently integrate LGBTQIA+ clinical and holistic care into the work that you do. Or maybe you want to take a closer look at how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion can fit into your mission. I possess over 42 years of combined professional experience in industrial, organizational, clinical, and managed and private healthcare settings. I have been a working executive board member with the National Association of Social Workers, the Florida State Massage Therapy Association, and the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy. I have served as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in the delivery of LGBTQIA+ and specific Transgender & Intersex Health Care for veterans within the US Department of Veterans Affairs. For the past four years, I continue to volunteer as a member of not-for-profit Somatic Experiencing® International’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and Accessibility Committees.
For over 35 years I have enjoyed offering workshops and educational experiences for groups and organizations, Healthcare, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals, Massage Therapists, and for anyone else interested in learning ways to move toward more holistic health.
November 8, 2024, “Embodied Gender: A Somatic Construct for Affirming Self,” SunServe’s 20th Annual LGBTQIA+ Quality Care Conference, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL
May 12, 2023, “Somatic Experiencing®: Meeting, Treating and Defeating Adverse Personal Trauma,” SunServe Therapist Collective Meeting, Wilton Manors, FL
October 23, 2021, “Healing from the Biopsychosocial Impacts of Social Injustice Through a Somatic Experiencing® Informed Group Experience,” 2021 Somatic Experiencing® International Virtual Conference
August 28, 2019, June 13, 2014, “Somatic Experiencing®: Meeting, Treating and Defeating Adverse Personal Trauma,” Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers- Broward Unit Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers Annual Conference, Weston, FL
June 13, 2019, “Building Resiliency in Vulnerable Populations Using Somatic Experiencing® Informed Group Work”, Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers Conference 2019- Social Work: Solutions for Now & the Future, Orlando, FL
April 6, 2017, “Considerations for Inclusive Care When Assisting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Service Members and Veterans”, Nova Southeastern University, Gay-Straight Student Alliance (PRISM), Davie, FL
March 30, 2017, “Considerations for Inclusive Care when Assisting Homeless Transgender Veterans in the VA Healthcare System”, VA National Grant and Per Diem Program, Continuing Education Program, VHA Office of Homeless Programs, US Department of Veterans Affairs, Virtual Learning, Miami, FL
November 11, 2016, November 7, 2014, November 9, 2012, November 11, 2011, November 10, 2006, "Working, Living and Loving in the Same Community: Special Issues for GLBT Therapy", Professional Ethics and Boundaries, SunServe Professionals’ Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL
July 21, 23, 2016, “Somatic Experiencing® Informed Therapeutic Group for the Care and Treatment of Biopsychosocial Impacts of a Gender Diverse Identity”, United States Association for Body Psychotherapy 2016 Conference, Sexuality, Spirituality and the Body: The Art and Science of Somatic Psychotherapy, Providence, RI
June 24, 2016, “Work with Gender Variance in a Body Oriented Framework: Biopsychosocial Impacts of Social Injustice”, National Association of Social Workers 2016 Conference, Leading Change, Transforming Lives, Washington, DC
October 12, 2015 & November 19, 2015, “Essential Embodiment for Health and Healing”, Your Big Picture Café, Davie, FL & SunServe, Wilton Manors, FL
October 3, 2015, “Health Care for Transgender and Intersex Veterans: VA Policy and Resources”, 25th Annual Southern Comfort Conference, Weston, FL
April 13, 2015, “Fundamentals for Providing Transgender & Intersex Health Care in VA”, US Department of Veterans Affairs, VISN 8, Miami, FL
December 6, 2014, “Body Awareness Can Turn You Inside Out!”, Davie, FL
November 21, 2013, “Navigating a US Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare System with Your Veteran Client”, Broward County Unit of the Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, FL
March 5, 2012, "Managing Pain Before It Manages You", Bruce W. Carter Veterans Administration Medical Center, Continuing Education for Clinical Staff, Miami, FL
October 22, 2010, "We Want You to Effectively Care for United States Military Veterans", United States Association for Body Psychotherapy 2010 Conference, Unraveling Trauma: Body, Mind & Science, JFK University, Pleasant Hill, CA
July 14, 2009, “Body-Mind Therapies: Origins and Complementary Considerations”, Bruce W. Carter Veterans Administration Medical Center, Continuing Education for Clinical Staff, Miami, FL
January 23, 2008, “Don’t Fight Getting Fit- Exploring Some Beliefs About Fitness”, Greater Hollywood YMCA Family Center, Hollywood, FL
October 2007, YMCA Fit Family Challenge Program, Behavioral Health Modules, YMCA of Broward County, Greater Hollywood YMCA Family Center, Hollywood, FL
September 4, 2007, “Massage Therapy and the Treatment of Mental Illness”, Florida State Massage Therapy Association- Broward Chapter Membership Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL
May 23, 2007, “Getting the A-h-h-h From Massage for Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals”, Broward County Board of County Commissioners, Continuing Education for Clinical Staff, Fort Lauderdale, FL
April 20, 2007, “Using Patient Admission Criteria Guidelines Within a Continuum of Care Treatment Model”, SunServe Therapists’ Collective Professional Development, SunServe Center for Community and Family Development, Fort Lauderdale, FL
October 14, 2005, “Managing With Managed Care: Listening From Both Ends of the Telephone Conversation”, SunServe Center for Community and Family Development,
Fort Lauderdale, FL
March 5, 2004, “Getting the A-h-h-h From Massage for Mental Health Professionals”, Palm Beach County Unit of the Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers Recognition Event, West Palm Beach, FL
December 11, 2002, “Pain Management Through Massage Therapy”, Broward County Board of County Commissioners, Continuing Education for Clinical Staff, Fort Lauderdale, FL
June 14, 2002, “Integrating Human Touch in Social Work Practice”, Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL
January 19, 2001, “Authority in Group Work in Addiction Treatment -or- ‘How Can You Help Me? You’re Not An Addict!’”, AASWG Annual Group Work Conference, Miami Shores, FL
November 10, 2000, “Perspectives on Diversity: Towards a Fuller Life for Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Clients & the People in Their Lives”, Behavioral Training Institute, Hollywood, FL
October 13, 2000, “Hate Motivated Crimes and the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Communities: Hope for the Future”, The Ninth Annual Barry University School of Social Work Alumni Conference, Miami Shores, FL
June 23, 2000, “Social Work with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgendered Persons: Meeting the Invisible Needs of a More Visible Minority”, Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers Annual Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Briggs PC, Hayes S and Changaris M (2018). Somatic Experiencing® Informed Therapeutic Group for the Care and Treatment of Biopsychosocial Effects upon a Gender Diverse Identity. Front. Psychiatry 9:53. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00053.
October 2007, YMCA Fit Family Challenge Program, Behavioral Health Modules, YMCA of Broward County, Greater Hollywood YMCA Family Center, Hollywood, FL
March 2002, Massage Therapy and the Wellness Coach, Certified WellnessCoach™ Training Module, Behavioral Training Institute, Hollywood, FL
January 2001, HIV/AIDS: Managing an Age-Old Foe, Home Study Course, Behavioral Training Institute, Hollywood, FL